The East Laverton Nickel Project comprises four granted exploration licences covering an area of 405km2, located approximately 35km from the town of Laverton. The Diorite Hill layered magmatic intrusion (Diorite Hill) is a prominent geological feature in the region covering an area of 110km2 and comprising ~7,000m of cumulate mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks. It is considered prospective for intrusive style nickel-copper-PGE mineralisation. In addition, the Company’s tenure incorporates ~14km of interpreted ultramafic stratigraphy within the Granite Well and Rotorua trends. These trends are considered prospective for Kambalda style komatiitic nickel mineralisation. East Laverton is also prospective for orogenic gold, with intercepts such as 9m @ 2.4 g/t Au, including 5m @ 4.2 g/t from 48m reported from historic drilling (hole EIC001, WAMEX A48007).